Analisa Pelumas Spectro Spectroil M

Spectroil M


The latest SpectrOil M series is the eighth generation RDE Optical Emission Spectrometer for elemental analysis in oil and fuel. It is a compact, rugged, transportable and easy to use optical spectrometer that meets military shock and vibration and environmental test standards.  The analyzer can be placed in the toughest remote locations around the globe, while still maintaining the laboratory grade accuracy and sensitivity needed for aerospace engine test requirements.

Principle of Operation

SpectrOil RDE-OES consists of three main components. These components are:

  1. Excitation Source – introduces energy to the sample. This includes a high voltage AC source that applies voltage across a small gap formed by a purified graphite rod and disc, with the disc rotating and picking up oil from the sample holder under it.
  2. Optical System – separates and resolves the resulting emission from that excitation into its component wavelengths.
  3. Readout System – detects and measures the light that has been separated into its component wavelengths by the optical system and presents this information to the operator in a usable fashion.

A specific calibration program is applied to raw spectrum which eliminates the matrix effect, so results are compliant to ASTM standards. Then user only needs to select the calibration profile for specific fluids. So, switching from oil to fuel to coolant or water only takes seconds, not hours like ICP and other instruments.

Key Features
• Rugged frame that meets military shock and vibration and environmental test standards (JOAP CID-0191), designed for remote locations and frequent transportation
• No sample preparation
• 30 second analysis time
• Analyzes up to 31 elements simultaneously
• Self-sustained with built-in industrial touch panel PC
• Simple to operate without special training or background
• No special utilities or gases required, only AC power

ASTM Standards
• Conforms to ASTM D6595 – “Standard Test Method for Determination of Wear Metals and Contaminants in Used Lubricating Oils or Used Hydraulic Fluids by Rotating Disc Electrode Atomic Emission Spectrometry”
• Conforms to ASTM D6728 – “Standard Test Method for Determination of Contaminants in Gas Turbine and Diesel Engine Fuel by Rotating Disc Electrode Atomic Emission Spectrometry

Calibration Programs

Calibration Description Standards
Lubricating oil
Detect and quantify elemental wear and additives in lubricants. Conforms to ASTM-D6595. Default 24 elements, up to 31 elements CS-75-500 Base oil
CS-24-100-200G 24 elements, 100 ppm
SMA-900-200G 5 elements, 900 ppm
(light and heavy fuel)
Detect quality and contamination of petrochemicals from crude through the final blended light fuels. Conforms to ASTM D-6728. It includes both light and heavy fuel calibration programs CS-75-500 Base Oil
CS-GT15-10 10ppm for light fuel
CS-GT15-100 100ppm for heavy fuel
Low Detection (LD) Diesel  Special calibration for #2 Diesel with low limits of detection for Alkaline metals and V.  Specifically LOD of V is down to 0.1ppm, critical to meet turbine OEM specification for diesel fuel quality control CS-HP-100 High purity base oil
CS-GT15-10 10ppm
CS-GT4-1-200G 1ppm for Li, Na, K,V
600-00111 0.2 ppm for V
Coolant/Glycol Analyze in-service coolant (water glycol mix) for additives and contamination JDIW DI water
SIGLYCOLSTD-500 Diluted glycol standard
Process water  Measuring contamination in a variety of applications like power plant cooling water and turbine wash-down water. STE006 KIT DI water and 5ppm standard
JOAP Airforce JOAP Airforce calibration with 15 elements. D19-0 Base Oil
D12-100 12 elements, 100ppm
D3-100 Zn, Mo, B, 100ppm
JOAP Army JOAP Army calibration with 20 elements. D19-0 Base Oil
D12-100 12 elements, 100ppm
D3-100 Zn, Mo, B, 100ppm
CS-24-100-200G 24 elements, 10ppm
SMA-900-200G 5 elements, 900ppm

Consumables used by calibration programs

To ensure accurate and stable measurement results, different consumables are used for different calibration programs. Only Spectro Scientific certified consumables are qualified to meet performance specifications.

Calibration Programs Disc Rod Sample Holder (Cup)
Lubricant, Coolant, Water M97008 M97009 P-10524 high temperature sample cup (black)
Light, heavy fuel, LD fuel M97008 M97009 P-10524 high temperature sample cup (black)
M90204 sample cover for low flash point fuels
JOAP Airforce and Army M97200 M97201 M90909 Aluminum boat sample holder

Product Models

The SpectrOil family of elemental analysis spectrometers consists of the SpectrOil M/C-W for commercial oil analysis, the SpectrOil M/N-W for military applications, SpectrOil M/F for Gas Turbine and Diesel engine fuel analysis and the SpectrOil M/F-LD with lower detection limits for alkaline metals and V for GE gas turbines. All versions of the SpectrOil M family are identical in hardware and differ only in their application and the way they are calibrated. 

Model Default Calibration Program
M/C-W 24 elements for lubricant and hydraulics
M/F-W 15 elements for light fuel and heavy fuel
M/F-LD 15 elements for No.2 Diesel
M/N-W 15 elements air force

Fuel Analysis with SpectrOil M/F

Pre-conditioning of the fuel before it reaches the gas turbine is a prerequisite for installations using heavy petroleum fuel. Spectrometric analysis with the SpectrOil M/F-W determines the amount of treatment required and the efficiency of that treatment. In particular, sodium and potassium must be accurately measured to less than one parts per million (ppm), and vanadium concentrations must be determined to calculate the amount of magnesium treatment compounds to be added to the fuel. Analysis requirements start with the delivery of the fuel, continue through fuel handling, and end only as the fuel is injected into the turbine.

MF-LD extends the lower limit of detection even further for alkaline metals such Li, NA, K and V down below 100 parts per billion (ppb) for No.2 Diesel, specifically required by some turbine OEMs to reduce corrosion on turbine blades.

Automation Option

The Double Disc Rapid Robot (D2R2) autosampler is a factory configuration option to the SpectrOil M/C or SpectrOil M/N spectrometer that provides automatic operation for the analysis of used oil samples. Any configuration of the SpectrOil M that includes the Double Disc Rapid Robot is referred to as a SpectrOil M/R. Automation is possible with the innovative use of the double disc approach. The need for a sharpened rod electrode for each analysis was eliminated, and the requirement to change graphite electrodes was automated. The result is a simple and rapid robotics system for total automation of the SpectrOil M Oil Analysis Spectrometer.

The D2R2 autosampler consists of two parts: a robot to exchange consumables, and an automatic sample changer for fully automatic and unattended operation. It is a robotics system that mounts to the spectrometer sample stand and fulfills all the functions of sequentially introducing and removing oil samples and exchanging graphite electrodes. It is self-contained and works outside of the spectrometer’s operating software. The autosampler can support 50 samples in one automatic operation.

The SpectrOil D2R2 does not use the traditional rod electrode used in manual systems. A specially designed rotrode disc is used, allowing for unattended operation. The result is a rugged automated system with the reliability of the SpectrOill M family and the unattended operation desired by laboratories with few personnel.