Analisa Pelumas Spectro MiniLab EL


MiniLab EL Engine oil analysis is a reliable and mature non-destructive testing (NDT) technique used to monitor the condition of the engine in development, on the production line and for in-service maintenance. High performance reciprocating engines and jet turbines are complicated mechanical systems with many high speed moving parts.

With five simple tests, the MiniLab EL delivers comprehensive on-site oil analysis, providing immediate actionable results, saving time and reducing costs. Highlights of this system include:

  • One product, delivering lab-quality analysis outside of the lab
  • Simplified workflow for the non-expert user, no chemist required
  • Simplified data handling and report interpretation


  Parameter Elemental
ASTM D6595
ASTM D7889
ASTM D8092
Fuel Dilution
ASTM D8004
Total Ferrous
ASTM D8120
Contamination Boron, Calcium, Sodium, Lithium, and Potassium    V          
Water         V      
Soot         V      
Glycol         V      
Fuel dilution            V  
Chemistry Total Acid Number (TAN)        V      
Oxidation, Nitration, and sulfation        V      
Additive depletion (ZDDP)        V      
Total Acid Number (TAN) for NatGas engines and lube oils        V      
Copper, Chromium, Boron, Magnesium, Calcium, Barium,
Zinc, Silicon, Sodium, Molybdenum, and Phosphorus
Viscosity          V    
Wear Total Ferrous         V
Copper, Silver, Chromium, Titanium, Aluminum, Silicon,
Magnesium, Nickel, Zinc, Iron, Manganese, Lead, Tin,
Molybdenum, Cadmium, and Vanadium

MiniLab EL Software Suite 

The MiniLab EL Software Suite is powerful yet easy to use and includes two components: the MiniLab Device Console (MDC) and the MiniLab LIMS.

The MiniLab Device Console is installed on a local PC and controls:

  • Sample or asset ID entry
  • Instrument operation
  • Data acquisition
  • Automatic data transfer to LIMS system

The MiniLab LIMS is a browser-based tool; it can be installed on local PCs, local networks, or hosted in the cloud server.

MiniLab LIMS includes:

  • Asset management
  • Alarm limits and alarm management
  • Customizable reports, including multi-parameter trend graphs
  • Enhanced notification and email options
  • Option to support multiple MiniLab EL Series analyzers in different locations across an enterprise

Target Industries

The MiniLab EL is ideal for a wide range of industries such as:


Accessories & Consumables

Sample Preparation Equipment

Sample preparation equipment such as Electrode Sharpener and Consumables for 100 samples are included with each MiniLab EL instrument.

Spectro Scientific consumables ensure high accuracy and repeatability