
Monitoring lubricant condition in machine wear when and where it is needed significantly reduces the time required for laboratory analysis and improves machine reliability. Spectro Scientific offers a wide range of portable devices with field simplicity and lab accuracy. The product combinations are powerful for different applications as together they provide more comprehensive analysis of oil condition, contamination and machine wear condition. All Spectro portable devices are battery powered, use small amounts of oil, and do not require solvents or chemicals to clean. They are light weight and ideal for field use.

The building blocks of the combination kit are the FluidScan 1000 Series handheld IR oil analyzer, MiniVisc 3000/3050 kinematic viscometer, and FerroCheck 2000 total ferrous magnetometer.

Features of FluidScan® 1000 Series 

  • TAN or TBN analysis, contamination and additive depletion by Infrared spectroscopy
  • Battery powered
  • Solvent-free
  • Build in alarm limits
  • One drop of oil (20uL)

Features of MiniVisc 3000 Series

  • Simple operation
  • Highly accurate, fixed temperature at 40° C
  • Battery powered
  • Solvent-free
  • Small oil volume (60uL)

Features of FerroCheck 2000

  • Simple operation
  • Highly accurate, stable result at different ambient temperatures
  • Battery powered
  • Solvent-free

Combination kit options and recommended applications

Different combinations are recommended based on the type of asset (engines vs rotating machines such as gear boxes, transmissions, or compressors), and users. Even though devices can be purchased, there are three essential combinations and applications.

Combination kit Devices Applications
Basic Oil Analysis kit MiniVisc 3000, FerroCheck 2000 Used by OEM and service professional for basic oil condition and machine wear condition check in various industries.
Oil Condition kit MiniVisc 3000, FluidScan 1000 Primary for engine oil condition checking. Great for marine, aerospace, railway and transportation industries
MiniLab 33 MiniVisc 3000, FluidScan 1100, FerroCheck 2000 Basic Trivector MiniLab for small and mid-size industrial plant or power plant to start an on-site oil analysis program

Basic Oil Analysis Kit: A quick check with viscosity and ferrous particle concentration in the field is the simplest way to make sure oil is good and machine wear is within alarm limits. With FerroCheck 2000, users can quickly check ferrous particle concentration up to 1%. It is a complimentary device to the MiniVisc 3000 and together they provide basic oil analysis needs for field service professionals.

Oil Condition kit: Fluidscan and Viscometer combination provides comprehensive oil condition to field service and lubricant service professionals. Fluidscan handheld InfraRed Oil Analyzer utilizes InfraRed spectroscopy to test oil chemistry, including Oxidation, Nitrition, Sulfation, Total Acid Number, Total Base Number and Water. The combinations are deployed widely in marine vessels, power generation plants, and mining sites.

MiniLab 33 (FluidScan, Viscometer and FerroCheck Combo):
Basic trivector MiniLab configuration that tests oil condition (Oxidation, TAN) with InfraRed Spectroscopy (Fluidscan), Kinametic viscosity @ 40C, liquid contamination (moisture) and ferrous content for abnormal wear. It is ideal for small to medium size industrial plant or power plant to start an on-site oil analysis program.